Writing the Anthropocene: Barry López and Kim Stanley Robinson

We are living in the Anthropocene epoch. A report published last week by the US government would seem to confirm that. They found that climate change has caused a 1°C increase in global average temperature over the past 115 years;the last three years have been the warmest on record for the planet since record keeping…

Environment writer interviews: Sarah Boon

For background on this series, see my first post. So far we’ve talked with Rebecca Lawton, an environment writer based in California; Abby Palmer, a nature writer based in the Lower Mainland of BC; Korice Moir, a water policy researcher and writer based in Toronto; Kimberly Moynahan, a science writer based in Toronto; and Cynthia…

Cynthia Barnett

Environment Writer Interviews: Cynthia Barnett

For background on this series, see my first post. So far we’ve talked with Rebecca Lawton, an environment writer based in California; Abby Palmer, a nature writer based in the Lower Mainland of BC; Korice Moir, a water policy researcher and writer based in Toronto; and Kimberly Moynahan, a science writer based in Toronto. Our…


Environment writer interviews: Kimberly Moynahan

For background on this series, see my first post. So far we’ve talked with Rebecca Lawton, an environment writer based in California; Abby Palmer, a nature writer based in the Lower Mainland of BC; and Korice Moir, a water policy researcher and writer based in Toronto. Our fourth interviewee is Kimberly Moynahan I first met…

Environment writer interviews: Abby Palmer

For background on this series, see my first post. So far we’ve talked with Rebecca Lawton, an environment writer based in California. Our second interviewee is Abby Palmer I initially met Abby on Twitter through our shared interest in nature writing. She was taking Sharon Blackie’s ‘Beyond Nature Writing‘ online course, and shared a lot…